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Learn about our ESG practices (Environmental, Social and Governance)

But… what is ESG?

These are the actions and policies that companies adopt to ensure ethical, sustainable and responsible processes in their ecosystems.
Learn about our commitments:


Social commitments

This is who we are: we believe in a fairer and happier society that values humanity and the environment. After all, we are passionate about constant evolution and always seeing the world from different angles.
We are committed to being environmentally and socially responsible. Here, this subject is serious and inspires innovation, commitment and collaboration throughout our ecosystem.
This is how we create life every day, encouraging everyone to invent new ways of thinking to find increasingly conscious solutions.
We put intensity and intention in everything we do. Do you want to see?

ALMA – Academia Livre e Música e Arte

Lei: Culture Incentive Law Cidade: Ribeirão Preto

Cuidar HCB

Lei: FUMCAD (Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent Rights) Cidade: Barretos


Lei: Sports Cidade: São José do Rio Preto

Pequenos Grandes Leitores

Lei: Culture Incentive Law Cidade: São Paulo

Recanto Monsenhor Albino

Lei: Statute of the Elderly Cidade: Catanduva

Toque que Salva Vidas

Lei: FUMCAD (Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescent Rights) Cidade: Araraquara





We know that taking care of the environment means taking care of ourselves.
That’s why we do our part by promoting environmental responsibility in our processes, minimizing impacts and driving a more sustainable future.

Selo FSC

Fsc® seal

We are aware of the importance of adopting business practices that minimize environmental impact and promote the conservation of natural resources. By obtaining the FSC® seal for our products, we assure our clients and stakeholders that the raw materials used come from forests managed in a responsible and sustainable manner.
In addition, the FSC® seal promotes fair social practices, ensuring safe and adequate working conditions for workers involved in the supply chain. This not only directly benefits the people involved in production, but also contributes to building more sustainable and inclusive communities.

Selo FSC

Eu reciclo

Sustainability is part of our values ​​and we value the future – for us who are here, and for future generations.

That is why we have the Eureciclo seal and contribute to increasing recycling in Brazil. In 2022 alone, in partnership with the institution, we recycled approximately 8,000 kilos of material!

Learn more about Eureciclo at:



Honesty and transparency are non-negotiable values for us. Our collaborative practices are an example of how we build safe work routines and trusting relationships. We are committed to integrity, the quality of our products and maintaining long-lasting relationships with our clients and partners.


With a specialized team and structured corporate governance, we develop ambidextrous management practices to increasingly grow and make a difference in the market – and in the lives of everyone who interacts with us!

inmetro seal

The Inmetro certification recently obtained by our company is a significant milestone in the organization’s commitment to the quality, safety and excellence of our products.

disney fama seal

The Disney FAMA seal is mandatory for the manufacture of products, components and materials that contain the brand’s intellectual property, and requires that we are aligned with its code of conduct and the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). This process reinforces our responsibility in producing goods in accordance with the high standards established by Disney.

Ethics channel

We have an anonymous and secure ethics channel, through which employees, suppliers and partners can report any irregular conduct identified in the workplace, such as harassment, fraud and bullying, for example.
There are two service channels: through the website or by calling 0800 517 1309.

iso 9001, iso 45001 and iso 14001 seals

ISO 9001 certification guides us to maintain an effective quality management system, allowing us to operate consistently, meeting our clients’ expectations and constantly seeking improvements.

ISO 45001 certification, which reflects our commitment to the occupational health and safety of our team, establishes the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system, providing a safe work environment, preventing injuries and work-related health problems.

Obtaining ISO 14001 certification is also essential for us, as it reflects our commitment to preserving nature and helps us minimize our impact on the environment, controlling environmental aspects and promoting sustainable practices in all our operations.


We rely on clear compliance policies that ensure that our entire team has support to understand and comply with ethical and legal standards. Using internal controls, we monitor any potential deviations to correct them as quickly as possible. This approach not only reduces legal and reputational risks, but also strengthens the trust of stakeholders, consolidating us as a company committed to excellence and honest values in our operations.

external audit of financial management

We put our values ​​of transparency into practice through external audits of our processes. This ensures that our operations are aligned with the best accounting standards, rules and regulations, thus strengthening the trust of our partners and customers.